Archive for category: Books


What happens when one tries every trick in the book to actually sign an agent’s contract


In How to Have a Life<hyphen>Style, Mr. Crisp presaged phenomena that are now commonplace


Mike Shatzkin is the latest to opine on the future of the book. And guess what: Everything that works for O’Reilly naturally will not work for you


A couple of things you can leave out: “The problem section” in magazine articles; historical digressions in books


According to a tendentious, borderline dishonest Jonathan Galassi, tons. And now they own your book, essentially


“What’s almost as pointless as a bottom with nine inches uncut? A novelist with nine inches uncut”


Ben Hammersley and I agree: Marked-up documents are rare to nonexistent in the book and magazine world


What the first draft of one literary agent’s contract looks like


Elizabeth Spiers makes another mistake

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None. I quit.

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