Archive for category: Books
- Worst-edited book of the year (2008.07.27)
Get to Work: A Manifesto for Women of the World by Linda R. Hirshman
- I fail to understand these photographs (2008.07.19)
These guys have stiffies or not? Or am I not supposed to ask that?
- Further in Saville hagiography (2008.07.01)
Peter Saville: “I saw the Roxy covers as an exercise in communication through styling”
- ‘Looking Good: A Guide for Men’ (2008.06.15)
A gay classic? If so: Wittingly or un-?
- Demitranslation (2008.01.06)
A.A. Gill would read better if translated back to the original French
- ‘79’ (2007.11.21)
Contrary to expectation, 79 Short Essays on Design is not just an exercise in Michael Bierut fame intensification
- Design books de l’instant (2007.09.28)
Pentagram meets XTRMNTR
- ‘Brave New Words’ (2007.09.24)
Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction by Jeff Prucher. Where is the word fanboy?
- How to be wrong about ‘Wiseguy’ (2007.08.25)
Ken Tucker’s book of 50 loves and hates about (Amerikanski) TV