Archive for category: Books


Andrew “Milky Loads” Sullivan: “[T]his book [Love Undetected]… came up like puke”


Easily my favourite rat bastard, Michael Malice, listed some of his favourite books, or at least the books one should read


Eric Kandel brilliantly explains how we see first, then perceive texture second. This explains why I like a lot of things I like, but nobody’s really taking me up on that knowledge, are they, now


A Victorian novel about a poor sissy who doesn’t even have the Internet in the 21st century does what, and exists why, though?


Tim McCaskell’s memoir proves white gay men and lesbians built gay Toronto


The long-awaited biography of hermit pornographer Boyd McDonald of Straight to Hell includes one gem after another


Some excerpts from the obscure but quite excellent When Men Meet by Henning Bech of Denmark


Julia Fleischaker and Jessa Crispin are and were needlessly nasty to men (and one man in particular)


Excerpt from John D’Agata’s The Making of the American Essay

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