Archive for category: Books


The Web is old enough that history can repeat itself. What’s happening now with E-books parallels what happened with Web sites in the early Aughties


It’s in the most overrated book of the year, The Imperfectionists


Neologisms in Super Sad True Love Story


What the Commentariat Publishing Lifecycle is, means, and does


100 Years of Menswear by Cally Blackman tells a gripping tale largely through pictures


Edmund White, in City Boy, foresees endless streams of distraction


Autobiographical details Gary Shteyngart wove into his zippy, juicy profile of M.I.A.


Nic Boshart: “Tech people write blogs on how to do what they’re doing. They participate with other people in their fields to build better things. They purposely interact with outsiders to help them learn for free.… What do publishers do? Close Book Expo America to the public”


Can you understand what euphoniously-named homosexualist writer Josh Kilmer-Purcell is saying here?

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None. I quit.

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