Archive for category: E-books


Craig Morgan Teicher is the latest æsthete to run screaming from E-book copy that is “swamped in code”


I proposed a session on structured documents for managers and editors for the BookNet Canada 2011 Technology Forum. The deadline for submissions was an insane six months in advance


The Web is old enough that history can repeat itself. What’s happening now with E-books parallels what happened with Web sites in the early Aughties


A solicited proposal for a column on E-book production in Quill & Quire. Now, what do you think happened to it?


Travis J. Nichols will never figure this out, but “E-books” are perfectly capable of “formatting” poetry, not that E-books have “formatting”


Scott Boms and I are talking about design and typography of E-books at BookCamp 2010.


My new article on the use of ePub (hence XHTML) in electronic books is now out at A List Apart


Bet against HTML for online distribution and you’ve backed the wrong horse


Mike Shatzkin is the latest to opine on the future of the book. And guess what: Everything that works for O’Reilly naturally will not work for you

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