Archive for category: The print medium


Craig Morgan Teicher is the latest æsthete to run screaming from E-book copy that is “swamped in code”


‘And since there had been a serial killer in of all fucking places Toronto, for Christ’s sake, who had read the book and based to of his murders on scenes from it, I made a number of frantic, drunken phone calls’


Is David Rakoff’s Half Empty an attempt at autobiography? Then why is it a failed attempt?


I proposed a session on structured documents for managers and editors for the BookNet Canada 2011 Technology Forum. The deadline for submissions was an insane six months in advance


“ ‘Why is that?’ I asked. ‘Why is it like this?’ ‘It’s because we’re queer, my dear’ ”


The Web is old enough that history can repeat itself. What’s happening now with E-books parallels what happened with Web sites in the early Aughties


It’s in the most overrated book of the year, The Imperfectionists


Neologisms in Super Sad True Love Story


What the Commentariat Publishing Lifecycle is, means, and does

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