Archive for category: The print medium


Is Toronto Life really an unkillable institution? Are we on the verge of finding out?


The best parts of Reality Hunger are, paradoxically, the parts David Shields wrote himself


Hypergraphic workaholics, like Marco Arment, need to keep their advice to themselves


What’s worse: A publisher that fucks over authors or a journo who quotes an off-the-record source?


The magazine may have jumped the shark, but I thought highly enough of Fantastic Man to have submitted several solicited article pitches


Call-centre operators, according to Erik Granered


The Wired app is a stag’s head hung over a mantelpiece, a pitiful reminder of a formerly living thing


Robert McCrum actually doesn’t talk about Canadian English in his new book Globish


American illustrator J.C. Leyendecker kept his lover Charles Beach a secret. What happened to Beach once Leyendecker died?

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