Archive for category: The print medium


Edwin Land of Polaroid did almost everything Steve Jobs did – invented new technologies, built factories to manufacture them, imposed absolute secrecy, stirred audiences with spectacle, trained customers to want the next step in the evolution of technology – but did it 30 years earlier


Fred Smeijers’s Counterpunch is coming out in a new edition. It’s tough and it’s demanding, but also enjoyable and understandable


Mark Steyn’s endless peeves in After America


How the Globe’s nonexpert critiques two business-book covers


The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance does not actually have really juicy advice for writers


What the offices of FANTASTIC MAN (and, presumably, Butt) look like


Unidentified solder, Infidel


BookCamp Toronto 2011 was a liberal-feminist-consensus clusterfuck of mediocrity. But I’m calling their bluff and offering free training


Because »they’ll use the wrong quotation marks«

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