Archive for category: Trannies

Countering transgender lies


I gave testimony to the Ontario legislature about a bill that would define motherhood out of existence. Then a fat social-justice-warrior manquéee at a right-wing newspaper misrepresented me on Twitter


What happens when you ask what used to be Toronto’s gay community centre a few questions? You get labelled transphobic


You’d think people would know better than to be taken in by this month’s Worst Transgender, Paul Wolscht. And introducing Stefonknee units


LGB Voice and Peak Trans Moment (Gay Men)


The 519 community centre’s report on transgender use of washrooms dresses itself up as advice on transgender rights in the workplace – and lies by omission


Toronto Life tells at most half the story of Ms Alex Abramovich and Mr. Daryl Banks, aggressive, threatening transgendered persons


Ms Kyle Kirkup lied about Stonewall at Torontoist, whose co-editor-in-chief and de facto publisher backed him to the hilt


It’s an abusive relationship, says Gender Detective


Nobody – at all – is opposed to researcher I. Alex Abramovich’s project addressing gay, lesbian, and transgender youth homelessness. Yet she has the balls to decry “infighting” caused by her own group – transgenders. (Now with UPDATE about her attempted lawfare against me)

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