Archive for category: Type I Saw Today

Type samples from the real world


I don’t totally understand the giant blob of a serif on the 2 in this inscription.

Inscription in stone wall reads 2006, with overlarge serif on 2, wide 0, and arm of 6 that extends slightly to the right
Green pickup truck on rainy, leaf-covered street has wooden walls running up from the bed labelled DANIELS LANDSCAPING in hand-painted type

This dry cleaner’s, across from the Loblaws at Manning and Dupont, was abandoned over the spring. Guys in hazmat suits later cleaned the place out. (I thought I had a photo, but now I cannot find it.) It’s been up for lease, admittedly with an imperfect sign, ever since.

Mattress sits propped against plate-glass window labelled DRY CLEANERS 1 HOUR SERVICE in different fonts

Why is this not a Seatonbucks or a Suction Village?

Glowing orange sign behind metal bars reads OPEN in Brush Script capitals
Neon sign has two lines of orange Tamil lettering divided by a white line, then more Tamil and the number 4165164997


Side of beaten-up van has barely-visible type in Frutiger reading CATERING and a phone number, with clearly visible 416)
Top of banner inside Flashmédia frame and below a brick wall reads TEAM GALAXY in stencil letters
Sign has phone number and ULOCKIT MINI STORAGE in Avant Garde Gothic with custom ligatures

Sometimes there’s “classic” type right under your nose. Or overhead.

3D italic letters f o x project outward from cinema marquee on black posts

We had one of those Toronto moments the other night as we drove down the last vestiges of the Rosedale Valley Rd., almost at Bayview. Crossing the street in the distance was a figure recognizable at a glance as an animal but – thrillingly – not a raccoon or a cat. He trotted casually across, then up the roadway embankment. We beheld a mature fox with an improbably long dark tufted tail.

It was another of those profound reminders of the presence of nature. We live in a Tier B city, but we have a few things you do not, like blasé foxes that cross the road unimpeded. He’s my third.

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