Archive for category: Type I Saw Today

Type samples from the real world


The perfect restaurant for the Dungeon Master with a hankering for teff?

Sign reads Dukem Restaurant in vaguely blackletter type, with additional characters in squared-off Amharic script

Toronto’s much-photographed Distillery District has a giant overhead member with the following signs on its north and south faces, respectively:

Signs read ‘Gooderham & Worts,’ one rusted and decayed, the other pristine

Also, they put in a clock:

Men steady a tall black four-sided clock as a crane lowers it into position on a cobblestone street

Sadly, it’s directly ahead of the end of the sidewalk, meaning a blind person who keeps walking in a straight line will bump right into it.

Plus of course the cranes that hang around the Distillery like juvenile delinquents at a variety store are inexplicably labeled with newspaper agate type that I can’t be arsed to look up. Why not just use Futura Maxi?

Blue crane is emblazoned UpRight SB80 BOOM LIFT, in part, in sansserif type with high x-height and thick circular strokes
Embossed logo on crane reads UpRight in sansserif font
Building with stone front panel and raised-brick façade has a sign reading COXWELL MANOR in Futura

This label does indeed give an address in Nice, France.

Peeling label on a brown lid reads ELECTRO-LUX NICE – 14, Rue Penchienatti Téléph. 873-58

(Hyphen as in original.)


I find this sign a curiosity. Little giveaways make it look recently-created (“12 noon” with space but “1pm” without; and note well that they are using lower case), plus there’s the graffito and the sticker plunked onto it.

Sign with sticker applied haphazardly in the middle reads ‘NO Shipping, Receiving 12 noon 1pm Monday to Friday’ in small caps, with ‘Closed 400 P.M.’ handwritten in faded marker

But then we have the Art Deco–inspired small caps. What to think?


Man, that’s bright.

Red plastic cube, backlit by the sun, shows THE NORTH FACE logotype in Helvetica
Pink letters made of ever-smaller stacks read NASSAU over a display of vinyl albums

Ages ago, Musto did a one-liner:


Now try it with this:

Cut-metal sign apparently has ambiguous I/l/1 characters on either side of the word -ONE-

A trailer sitting in a parking lot surrounded by piled-up boxes that sells leftover skin-tight underwear and tank tops for fags… which presumably some of them have already tried on.

Trailer sits behind piled-up boxes and is emblazoned BODY BODY	 wEAR CLEARANCE SALE in Arial letters printed on orange, yellow, and pink sheets

Note the usage of laser-printed single pages as building blocks for the signage, and the superspecial lower-case w.

Mother. Of. God.

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