Archive for category: Type I Saw Today
Type samples from the real world
- 26 (2004.11.02)
(Cf. crumbly, lapidary Helvetica.)
- Matter/antimatter (2004.11.01)
I couldn’t believe it either: A hastily-made product sign, meant to stand in until a sign that conforms to corporate livery (using Futura) could be printed, typeset in… Benguiat Gothic.
(It’s pronounced “Ben·gat,” for your beginners. He’d probably look at his own font and blurt “What, that piece of shit?”)
- Downcasting (I) (2004.10.18)
Within hours of arrival, John and the Web Essentials posse started in with the running jokes. A later example: Cranberry juice. An early example: Taking photos of everything but people, particularly of sewer grates and access covers underfoot.
Despite the stick, it stuck, and by watching where I was going I managed to find a maintenance-hole cover with embossed Garamond type. Now, which cut, exactly?
- Bottle shop (2004.10.18)
Though you’re probably shopping for the bottle contents. A delightful handmade British look.
- Two 2s (2004.10.17)
- Heraldry (2004.10.17)
- Curiously authentic scripts (2004.10.16)
- Luggage tag (2004.10.09)
Text on Things: Luggage tag
- Luggage tag (2004.10.09)
Text on Things: Luggage tag