Archive for category: Type I Saw Today

Type samples from the real world


Which do you prefer – the spindly, letterspaced original Frutiger Light or the fetter hand-drawn facsimile?

Custom-made sign reading ‘lettieri’ juts from Honest Ed’s. Around the corner, a hand-drawn version reads ‘lettieri ESPRESSO BAR & CAFE’

I spent a lot of time around auto dealers and repair shops as a young fella. While this fails to explain my inability to drive, it may explain my interest in type.

Dilapidated gas pump shows a logo of a sun rising behind a green mountain with the heading ‘Horizon’
Branches cast shadows on a sign reading ‘Hastings Snack Bar,’ with ‘Hastings’ in hand-drawn script

Text on Things: Car


Text on Things: Measuring tape


In previous years, every bus and eetcarstray stop in the city had its own phone number. (In practice, some adjacent stops shared a number.) An automated voice (a human recording) would announce “Route… 501. Queen. Next vehicle in… 5 minutes. Following vehicle in… 13 minutes,” that sort of thing. Later, advertisements were embedded: “Pizza Pizza time is 6:38.” (Isn’t it always time for “tantilizing” Pizza Pizza?) At the time, virtually the entire 539-XXXX exchange was taken over for this purpose. (It was always odd to meet someone with a 539 phone number.)

The system was eventually shut down because it was not Y2K-compatible. Additionally, eating up the better part of 10,000 combinations contributed to number exhaust, which to this day is nothing remotely the problem we were warned it would be. (Rather like Y2K, but for different reasons.) Trust me, the online schedules are a flat-out disaster. There is no easy way to check a schedule anymore.

So: Quelle surprise to run across a bus stop with this cœlecanth of a decal still attached. Yes, the fonts are Souvenir and Quorum.

Decal reads ‘This TTC stop has a phone number. 539-1699. TTC’s TimeLine will tell you when the next transit vehicle is scheduled to arrive at this stop’

Yeah, man. “Tantilizing.”

Pizza billboard reads ‘tantilizing tuscan chicken salad’

Text on Things: Videocassette label


Text on Things: Videocassette label

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None. I quit.

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