Archive for category: Scripts

Script faces in situ

Sign over awning reads Cirone’s (in cursive italic) Fine Foods (in script)
Metal script letters on a brick wall read Butler’s
White sign projecting from building reads Butler’s in script and REPAIR SERVICE Parts Radio/TV Appliances ALL MAKES in Helvetica
Sign over café is written in yellow type on a blue background, with a line of Amharic and a line of script capitals reading RENDEZ-VOUS BAR & CAFE

Does anyone remember Epson dot-matrix printers and the cursive typefaces they could hack together? Is it even possible to make a printout of such a thing anymore?

Sign on brick building reads LUCKY DRIVING SCHOOL in script typeface with mismatched stroke thicknesses and angles
Four Hershey Dessert Fondue/Fondue pour Dessert packages use lavish script type and show phtoos of fruits dipped in chocolate

(Can you spot the error in the French?)


Not, as it turns out, in Yorkville.

Weathered green metallic sign on concrete building reads Sixty-Seven Yonge in Le Griffe (with C.D. Howe Institute sign below)
Deep-blue van has sky-blue airbrushed script letters reading Van Winkle (and SIGNAGE below in sky-blue Eras)

From what I can tell, this sign uses upright and cursive type in two scripts.

Yellow sign reads Chinese Art PRINTING Co. in script and roman, with Chinese type and scrip at left

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None. I quit.

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