Archive for category: Signage
- McCreaky Deathground (2005.11.20)
Do you want your kids spending time in a playground with a blackletter sign?
- Toronto Hydro Art Deco System (2005.11.10)
- Scenes from the class struggle (2005.11.10)
Bit of a clash of eras and sensibilities here.
“Mavis? Can I pop over and borrow a cup of Arial?”
- It[’]s Starbucks (2005.11.07)
I see we’ve found yet another way to write the word it[’]s – with the s in small capitals.
At least it ain’t its’.
- Kew Gardens Helvetica Club (2005.11.07)
Looks like the type on one of those notice boards with the black grooves and the white letters you stick on, doesn’t it?
- Rockwell’s Arrived (2005.10.25)
It looks like a simulated image in a commercial for a television set, but it really is that orange and green.
- Kerr (2005.10.04)
I live in the hood and I don’t know how to pronounce it. (Care? Car? Cur? Probably care.)
- Amharic Goths (2005.09.29)
The perfect restaurant for the Dungeon Master with a hankering for teff?
- Futura Manor (2005.09.22)