Archive for category: Signage


Do you want your kids spending time in a playground with a blackletter sign?

Green sign with undulating edges reads McCleary Playground in blackletter and CITY OF TORONTO DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION in Helvetica Condensed
Slate front of building has metal TORONTO HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM letters standing out from the stone on stalks

Bit of a clash of eras and sensibilities here.

Side-by-side doors are labeled 1510 in Didot and 1512 in Arial Italic

“Mavis? Can I pop over and borrow a cup of Arial?”


I see we’ve found yet another way to write the word it[’]s – with the s in small capitals.

Banner for maple macchiato reads OUR EXPRESSO ROAST MEETS ITs SWEET MATCH

At least it ain’t its’.


Looks like the type on one of those notice boards with the black grooves and the white letters you stick on, doesn’t it?

Letters on brick A-frame building read KEW GARDENS TENNIS CLUB 777 KE  B ACH AVE

It looks like a simulated image in a commercial for a television set, but it really is that orange and green.

Sign on green Harry Rosen store reads ‘Fall’s Arrived’ in orange Rockwell type

I live in the hood and I don’t know how to pronounce it. (Care? Car? Cur? Probably care.)

Sign reads Cherrynook Gardens 13 Kerr Road in hand-drawn blackletter

The perfect restaurant for the Dungeon Master with a hankering for teff?

Sign reads Dukem Restaurant in vaguely blackletter type, with additional characters in squared-off Amharic script
Building with stone front panel and raised-brick façade has a sign reading COXWELL MANOR in Futura

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None. I quit.

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