Archive for category: Signage


I find this sign a curiosity. Little giveaways make it look recently-created (“12 noon” with space but “1pm” without; and note well that they are using lower case), plus there’s the graffito and the sticker plunked onto it.

Sign with sticker applied haphazardly in the middle reads ‘NO Shipping, Receiving 12 noon 1pm Monday to Friday’ in small caps, with ‘Closed 400 P.M.’ handwritten in faded marker

But then we have the Art Deco–inspired small caps. What to think?


Ages ago, Musto did a one-liner:


Now try it with this:

Cut-metal sign apparently has ambiguous I/l/1 characters on either side of the word -ONE-

I still regret missing most of the plushies episode of CSI (complete with description!).

Cartoon illustration shows red creature in wintertime with three tiny figures hanging from the threads of its mittens. Type reads: Magic Pony presents Plushtastrophe Dec 2nd to Jan 2nd

I don’t know how they could possibly have made this tackier.

Green signs tacked up on door transom and concrete lintel read food Basic$, Welcome to Roy's, Best Prices Everyday!!!

The Clearface Gothic was a nice touch.


From what I can tell, this sign uses upright and cursive type in two scripts.

Yellow sign reads Chinese Art PRINTING Co. in script and roman, with Chinese type and scrip at left

I have a vague memory of Letraset faces like this one.

Sign over barred-up store reads COLLECT-O-MANIA in drop-shadow type

Lucida fucking Fax is not fucking “nostalgic,” unless you were born in the 1980s.

Sign behind store window reads ‘Nostalgic’ in Lucida Fax

I don’t get this at all. The black type seems OK, I guess (and appears to show the Nastaliq writing style, with the shifting and angled baselines).

Two lines or Urdu are followed by a phone number, all in black type with blue outlines

So why’d they have to go and outline everything in blue ballpoint?

Sign above wood-paneled front of restaurant reads Indochine in Mrs Eaves, complete with ch ligature

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