Archive for category: Typography
- ‘While You’re Reading’ (2008.10.13)
The rather disappointing While You’re Reading by Gerard Unger
- Keep Bill Hill off the Web (2008.09.07)
Please, Bill! Let us do the development work. And for the love of God, hire some real designers
- Distortionate (2008.08.10)
Enough with the Eureka Carpark already
- How not to advance the discussion of Web fonts (2008.07.22)
Bill Hill’s posting on Web fonts is offputting to the point of repugnance
- TypeCon: Learning from mistakes? (2008.06.28)
TypeCon organizer GRRLZ: Did they realize the errors of their ways or are they just hypocrites?
- ‘Looking Good: A Guide for Men’ (2008.06.15)
A gay classic? If so: Wittingly or un-?
- Type treatments in TTC public art (2008.02.26)
Two TTC station artworks will include typography. So let’s not blow it
- 18 years to replace the dot matrix (2007.12.20)
If we’re given 18 years to replace dot-matrix signs on transportation vehicles, should we even bother?
- Kindle complaints, sight unseen (2007.11.23)
“Kindle” is a great name for a gay dog and a half-arsed name for a consumer product