Archive for category: Typography


Useless knowledge en route to Best of Enemies


Well, first of all, no fucking Mormons. Or just keep it as an archive


Two sites about diacritics


I did the obvious thing. I downloaded one or more instruction manuals from essentially every dishwasher manufacturer in existence, extracted just the pages or parts thereof that illustrate how to load the dishwasher, and assembled them on Flickr


Stood up by Spiekermann


Khoi Vinh: “Helvetica has been the standard system typeface for iOS since the beginning, and largely without complaint.” Oh?


What’s the Apple Watch typeface? It’s not quite DIN


Medium.com: Where we spend months figuring out how to underline a word but still typeset all our copy like Microsoft Word


Without warning, typographers have suddenly learned deception and bullshit

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None. I quit.

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