Archive for category: Updated

Updated posts


Khoi Vinh is shitcanning Mixel. Why didn’t he simply charge for it all along?


The Ian Hart/Martin Freeman/John Simm Axis of British actors


Does Sarah Nicole Prickett really think her hit piece on Aaron Sorkin means she’s got it made?


Mr. CHRISTIAN SCHWARTZ visited Toronto


Esteemed colleague writes about the blind shooting the blind at the VIPhone user group


Two vizmin accused gaybashers’ lawyers were no match for one of the victims in the court case, David Holtzman


How many hot-hot-hot! new iOS apps have impressed legions of fans while demonstrating their developers are too irresponsible or incompetent to make them accessible under VoiceOver? Shall we start a list? [Updated twice]


[Erroneous post redacted]


Toronto police and fire departments have no plan to deal with deaf people. At all

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