Archive for category: Updated
Updated posts
- Khoi Vinh: We were too stupid to charge for Mixel, and, unlike Instagram, nobody bought us out (2012.08.08)
Khoi Vinh is shitcanning Mixel. Why didn’t he simply charge for it all along?
- The Hart/Freeman/Simm Axis (2012.07.23)
The Ian Hart/Martin Freeman/John Simm Axis of British actors
- Sarah Nicole Prickett, mistress of unintended consequences (2012.07.16)
Does Sarah Nicole Prickett really think her hit piece on Aaron Sorkin means she’s got it made?
- Schwartzed (2012.06.07)
Mr. CHRISTIAN SCHWARTZ visited Toronto
- I deny having ‘gawped’ (2012.05.15)
Esteemed colleague writes about the blind shooting the blind at the VIPhone user group
- Best testimony by gaybashing victims ever (2012.04.01)
Two vizmin accused gaybashers’ lawyers were no match for one of the victims in the court case, David Holtzman
- Hot new iPhone apps by irresponsible developers (2012.03.01)
How many hot-hot-hot! new iOS apps have impressed legions of fans while demonstrating their developers are too irresponsible or incompetent to make them accessible under VoiceOver? Shall we start a list? [Updated twice]
- [Redacted] (2012.02.24)
[Erroneous post redacted]
- Toronto police and fire departments have no plan to help deaf people (2012.02.12)
Toronto police and fire departments have no plan to deal with deaf people. At all