Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


Because DesignNotes.info has them. (Isn’t the type on your Web page like Trajan’s Column?)


At the What’s Next for News presentation, I dared to claim Canada is a sovereign nation


Or: Why Opera 10 sucks


Mike Rundle seems to think I’ve got something against him. Well, I didn’t used to


Do you really think Twits and CoverItLive are sufficient to document a conference presentation? Then, you ignoramus, you probably also top-post


Mathew Ingram, harassing his colleagues (while co-running a Web conference)


No, Cory, you can’t edit a PDF


How about the fact it can’t even find its own preferences and bookmarks, let alone any other programs’?


Why are the semantics and codebase of Tumblrs such shite? Why don’t you have a nice easy export mechanism to services like Delicious?

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None. I quit.

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