Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


You have never been more conscious of your offline life in your entire offline life


“This photo represents the beginning of the end of anything resembling competence in Web development in Toronto”


Fighting alleged sexism in computer technology is one thing, but Tom Morris committed quite a boner


A designer tells a client why his designs say what the client means. Young designers need Monteiro’s Design Is a Job to learn how to do that. Design Is a Job needed an editor


Donald Trump: Deals are my art form. Maria Popova: Curation is artistic labour. Compare and contrast


The Readability app supposedly makes Web pages easier to read. What does it do to pages that are already easy to read?


Xtra threatens to launch a new daily-news site. What odds do you give they’ll do everything wrong?




Technology podcasts are all business and resolutely avoid any discussion of their guests’ lives. I’m proposing a podcast series that will solve that problem. And you’ll have to pay for it

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None. I quit.

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