Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


I am quite sure the only thing that will put and end to Jason Scott’s relentless attacks against me is his death


“90%+” of people do not know how to search for text in their browsers. OK: Are we talking Windoids only here?


According to Baldur Bjarnasson


The higher the standing of the elite Web commentator, the more likely he is to avoid, misuse, or distrust the fundamental feature of the Web, the hyperlink


Fix your TITLE, please, Mike


✬.me is about what, exactly?


Markdown is the a joke comedy nerds insist meets a legal definition of “funny” that nobody in the audience laughs at


How did Mike Davidson go from six figures to five to a Modernist dream house?


I had an idea for a gay technology conference. Then I realized it would have to happen anywhere but here

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None. I quit.

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