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What happens when nonsense lyrics are sung in a way that makes them feel like they make sense?


Just how much worse could Robert Manne of Edelman PR have screwed up his handling of the Mesh Conference?


Suddenly Mesh Conference’s press allocation is full. Which PR firm told me that, and what did they do to me five years ago?


TIDFAF and Mayfest, both in one week. Why, it’s deaf-rific!


What few choice parts there are in a pamphlet masquerading as a book entitled The Solid Form of Language by Bringhurst


Correcting a paper by Bresnahan and Yin on the so-called browser wars


In which I publish a 12,900-word response to CBC about its failure to provide 100% captioning


Speaking notes and usability-test results available from Iceweb 2006. Topic: Ajax accessibility


Iceweb 2006: ‘Responsible Asynchronous Scripting’ presentation by Shaun Inman

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