Your search results
- ‘Aries or treasons all renew’ (2006.05.27)
What happens when nonsense lyrics are sung in a way that makes them feel like they make sense?
- Requiem for Robert Manne (2006.05.24)
Just how much worse could Robert Manne of Edelman PR have screwed up his handling of the Mesh Conference?
- Mesh: In bed with Edelman (2006.05.10)
Suddenly Mesh Conference’s press allocation is full. Which PR firm told me that, and what did they do to me five years ago?
- De facto Deaf Week (2006.05.10)
TIDFAF and Mayfest, both in one week. Why, it’s deaf-rific!
- The Solid Bore of Language (2006.05.09)
What few choice parts there are in a pamphlet masquerading as a book entitled The Solid Form of Language by Bringhurst
- Understanding the era of the browser wars (2006.05.07)
Correcting a paper by Bresnahan and Yin on the so-called browser wars
- Yet more on CBC captioning (2006.05.05)
In which I publish a 12,900-word response to CBC about its failure to provide 100% captioning
- Paging Jason Fried (2006.05.04)
Speaking notes and usability-test results available from Iceweb 2006. Topic: Ajax accessibility
- Shaun Inman: ‘Responsible Asynchronous Scripting’ (2006.04.28)
Iceweb 2006: ‘Responsible Asynchronous Scripting’ presentation by Shaun Inman