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In which your author posts a personal ad under the username FailedRedesigns. Tell me, do you think the site will have valid HTML?


The former vice-president at Freedom Scientific, unloved makers of Jaws, now has a blog. Guess which company he attacks?


Fisking the Creator’s Copyright Coalition about exemptions for people with perceptual disabilities. Fascinating, I know


“Beach” or “Beaches”? Who gives a shit when your signs look like that?


Liveblogging Michael Geist’s 2006 Hart House Lecture on copyright in Canada


Correcting an interview with AudioVision Canada consultant Eric Rothschild on an AudioVision Canada–linked radio reading service


I have as many issues with the CRTC as anyone does – actually more, given that I’ve been at the short end of their stick for a good 15 years. But tell me something: Does it make any sense at all for a regulator to permit broadcasters to hide their renewal and application documents behind […]


Last night (2006.03.21), Camille Paglia (q.v.) delivered remarks at Harbourfront; totally dominated an interview, on the topic of poetry and her book Break Blow Burn, carried out by notorious antiporn lesbian Susan (“G.”) Cole, a woman strongly critical of Paglia in old articles that are not online; and took softball questions from an adoring audience. […]


More on wymmynz in men’s hockey: Yes, height/weight is a stronger indicator than body-mass index

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