Your search results
- ‘Dating’ sites do Web standards (2006.04.15)
In which your author posts a personal ad under the username FailedRedesigns. Tell me, do you think the site will have valid HTML?
- Fisking Chris Hofstader (2006.04.13)
The former vice-president at Freedom Scientific, unloved makers of Jaws, now has a blog. Guess which company he attacks?
- Pro-creator zealots (2006.04.12)
Fisking the Creator’s Copyright Coalition about exemptions for people with perceptual disabilities. Fascinating, I know
- Memo to Beaches BIA (2006.04.03)
“Beach” or “Beaches”? Who gives a shit when your signs look like that?
- Geist does Hart House (2006.03.31)
Liveblogging Michael Geist’s 2006 Hart House Lecture on copyright in Canada
- Fisking Eric Rothschild (2006.03.28)
Correcting an interview with AudioVision Canada consultant Eric Rothschild on an AudioVision Canada–linked radio reading service
- Best friends with broadcasters (2006.03.23)
I have as many issues with the CRTC as anyone does – actually more, given that I’ve been at the short end of their stick for a good 15 years. But tell me something: Does it make any sense at all for a regulator to permit broadcasters to hide their renewal and application documents behind […]
- ‘And no flashes in my eyes!’ (2006.03.22)
Last night (2006.03.21), Camille Paglia (q.v.) delivered remarks at Harbourfront; totally dominated an interview, on the topic of poetry and her book Break Blow Burn, carried out by notorious antiporn lesbian Susan (“G.”) Cole, a woman strongly critical of Paglia in old articles that are not online; and took softball questions from an adoring audience. […]
- ‘Chix with Stix’ redux redux (2006.03.18)
More on wymmynz in men’s hockey: Yes, height/weight is a stronger indicator than body-mass index