Your search results
- My problem with Negligée (2005.08.09)
The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association’s cluelessness with blogs
- A blogroll knows no morals (2005.08.08)
Correcting Danah Boyd
- Memo to OED: Maybe Arial is your problem (2005.08.08)
Would you buy a dictionary that used Arial Black?
- ROM steel (2005.08.07)
Splorpist photo: Naked ROM steel
- How very hard indeed it is to defend Opera (2005.08.05)
Opera fanboys, fuck off
- Apologizing when you aren’t wrong (2005.08.05)
What did Molly have to apologize for at South by Southwest? And how important is it, really?
- Footnotes are like unicorns (2005.08.02)
My semantics are better than your semantics, and my arrow is better than your arrow
- Remembrance of trams past (2005.07.25)
‘You don’t remember me, sir, but I remember you. So you have a nice night’
- :45 (2005.07.24)
Markus Naslund with his legs in the air