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Every city’s “legible” signage is misnamed “wayfinding” and it all looks like Bristol’s. We’re next


In Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls, this is what David Sedaris talks about because this is how rich he is


Jhane Barnes is getting out of menswear entirely


I fact-checked two reports on women in film and television, paying a lot of attention to the claim there were no wymmyn cinematographers working in Canadian TV in a certain year


Wheel-Trans really has been spying on its passengers. I should know – I’m the one who filed the complaint about it


Why do designers love unreadable masses of grey text? When viewed from a distance, it looks great, and they never actually read their designs


Don’t even think of taking a copy of the Winkreative brochure from the Monocle Shop


The Times lies to us (again), this time about the true origin of the Oxo “grip”


I was wrong about Weekend; everybody else is wrong about Keep the Lights On

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