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Mr. JAMES BRIDLE approaches Ben Hammersley levels of erudition


iA Writer for iPad keeps your documents under lock and key. But we are endlessly reminded how much work went into making this text editor “simple”


Of course gay blogs don’t make money. Their owners don’t know their own industries, have bad taste, and suicidally insist on doing what is known not to work. Journos covering the topic are just as baffled


About 373 times since 1996


Some kind of app named GetGlue is so inaccessible two blind people had to record a 45-minute podcast teaching you how to overcome the problem. And now GetGlue is hiring!


Yes, the iPhone 4S works in Whitehorse, Yellowknife, and Fort Nelson – but you’d never know it from the lack of publicity


Objectivist Lululemon’s Yorkville storefront in Toronto features an “Occupy Yoga Studios” banner in the vitrine. Now, why, exactly?


Denise Balkissoon on lesbian moms: “Considering… the fact that women on average earn lower salaries.” I ask: Lower than whom?


Months in the making, today I’m releasing Borked Unicode, a pop-up blog that aims to teach hacks (i.e., journalists) the minimum they need to know about Unicode. The goal is to make it possible for hacks to write clean copy.

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