Your search results
- How much money does Cory Doctorow make? (2009.07.29)
By his own admission, I estimate the figure is $200,000 to $300,000 a year
- Stupid code pays (2009.07.28)
Tumblrs have stupid code and attract stupid – and smart – writers. It’s the stupid ones who make off with the loot
- ‘[T]he show never quite feels corporate’ (2009.07.27)
Dépêche Mode, graphic-design band
- The inalienable rights of Ezra Levant (2009.07.27)
Free speech, yes; but summary executions in “war zone[s],” also yes
- Will Moz blow it on captioning? (2009.07.27)
Solving the four-fifths of the problem you think is the entire problem means you haven’t solved the problem
- Tag soup, now at a discount (2009.07.24)
Shortcovers will convert your book to ePub. For pennies a byte! Perhaps you get what you paid for
- ‘Unwebbable’ (2009.07.21)
Today my article, long in gestation, appears at A List Apart: “Unwebbable” examines how not every document can be folded and mutilated into a “Web page.”
- ‘Do Good Design’ (2009.07.17)
Do Good
Designby David Berman lays on the ethics a bit thick, I think
- Josh Levy bares his fangs (2009.07.16)
Toronto’s de facto chronicler of sporno pitches a near-miss about “mixed martial arts”