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French-language captioning of Question Period: Not ready for prime time


I have one of the first legit TiVos in the country, and not everything works


As brilliantly summed up in Vanity Fair


If you dare to assert your legal rights as a person with a disability, one arm of Toronto’s government will try to spend you into the ground to keep from having to uphold those rights


Like Lisbon’s subway


‘[B]logging’s great, but sometimes it’s just downright boring – reading the mundane thoughts of somebody writing without thinking’


Contrary to expectation, 79 Short Essays on Design is not just an exercise in Michael Bierut fame intensification


Toronto Fire Academy Open House 2007. Only the black guy was worth looking at. And he was the only one there


Some news from today’s TTC meeting, like a $375,000 budget for the new Web site

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None. I quit.

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