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Tony Wilson, design rigour, ‘FAC 461’


Well, the SEGD sure hasn’t fixed its Web site


DeafMac had a meeting with Apple and AT&T


Can you believe the arrivistes behind Nonfiction want to put on a show again?


Canadian TV in a sentence: “[W]hat Human Cargo offers is the unsmiling, straightforward and sincere version of a myth of Canada that may well be desirable but comes with so much elitist baggage that it needs to be taken down a peg or two by also embracing Trailer Park Boys


We know he’s withered, but why is Steve Munro such a cunt? (Valid-HTML version)


The event known as Nonfiction isn’t going to make it even to a second outing


Monetize your own fucking intelligence, why don’t you?


Entering and exiting every station on the Sheppard line. Plus! Is the most boring job in the TTC that of fare collector at Bessarion station?

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None. I quit.

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