Your search results
- ‘Except, of course’ (2007.07.12)
Affable, under-30, Mac-using, suntanned, beloved Adam Giambrone is calling me a kook
- Subway ‘modernization’ (2007.07.12)
Notes from a press conference announcing the ‘modernization’ of Pape, Dufferin, and other TTC subway stations
- Save TTC signs (2007.07.03)
Just what it says: Stop the bastards from pulling down and shredding irreplaceable old signs
- iPhone TTY (2007.07.01)
You can connect a TTY to an iPhone. Why not just have the iPhone work as a TTY?
- The transit-fan memory hole (2007.06.24)
Publishing comments here so Steve Munro cannot delete them
- Finding a new topic to ‘queer’ (2007.06.19)
I ask again: Why am so few people wiling to call bullshit on Larry Lessig and Creative Commons?
- ‘Monocle’ 4 (2007.06.18)
The fourth issue, with unpersuasive Koreaphilia
- ‘Design City Toronto’ (2007.06.16)
A book by Toronto writers about Toronto architecture… written in British English and typeset in Helvetica Light
- Advice for presentations: It happens! (2007.06.13)
18 years’ advice on public speaking, all in one post