Your search results
- Not exactly why we go to San Francisco (2007.05.26)
I’ve never had a well-dressed Orientalist girl lean in on me and press the flesh
- Camps and copyright (2007.05.15)
Toronto Transit Camp attempted to extort participants’ copyrights. Let’s not try that again
- Antipoynorism (2007.05.14)
Why are we letting Rick Poynor set the terms of the debate? Why are we even having a debate about Poynor-style unreadable, unillustrated, turgid, overintellectualized design writing on the one hand and design blogs on the other?
- OCAD grad show 2007 (2007.05.13)
Notes from the exhibit of graduates’ work at the Ontario College of Art & Design
- ‘Dispatches from the New Frontier: Writing for the Internet’ (2007.05.05)
By, of all people, Camille Paglia. Is Web writing really ‘evanescent’?
- A balls-out takedown of Dougie Coupland (2007.05.03)
Exactly what it says. Souvenir of Canada my arse
- Not quite so regal (2007.04.28)
‘You give Ann my best. If you can’
- ‘We must reject European music categorically’ (2007.04.28)
- Weblog comparison (2007.04.28)
This Weblog vs. Towleroad