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Tunes 7.1 is now reasonably accessible under VoiceOver on Mac


How to waste $60,000 “beautifying” subway entrances


But almost no nonsense


We are getting a mere three hours to tour Bay Lower station during Doors Open, but it will be free


Can somebody tell Larry Kramer to shut the fuck up?


Let’s Scotch-tape a sign on top of another sign, then beat that new sign to shit


An article submitted by Kelly Pierce on the topic of live audio description for theatre


If you want diversity, then you should be agitating for equality of opportunity, not outcome. If you want a good conference, you should be agitating for good speakers, a lot of whom are men. If you don’t want either of those things, then here’s something else you don’t actually want: Diversity


They aren’t planning on doing something so rash as to charge speakers to attend, are they?

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