Your search results
- iTunes 7.1 accessibility (2007.03.26)
Tunes 7.1 is now reasonably accessible under VoiceOver on Mac
- Erecting a façade (2007.03.24)
How to waste $60,000 “beautifying” subway entrances
- Mac sense (2007.03.16)
But almost no nonsense
- Three hours tops (2007.03.16)
We are getting a mere three hours to tour Bay Lower station during Doors Open, but it will be free
- The tragedy of today’s Kramer (2007.03.15)
Can somebody tell Larry Kramer to shut the fuck up?
- More Museum mayhem (2007.03.13)
Let’s Scotch-tape a sign on top of another sign, then beat that new sign to shit
- ‘Reflections on Live Audio Description’ (2007.03.12)
An article submitted by Kelly Pierce on the topic of live audio description for theatre
- ‘Diversity’ is the last thing you want (2007.03.01)
If you want diversity, then you should be agitating for equality of opportunity, not outcome. If you want a good conference, you should be agitating for good speakers, a lot of whom are men. If you don’t want either of those things, then here’s something else you don’t actually want: Diversity
- Open question for Logo Cities (2007.02.23)
They aren’t planning on doing something so rash as to charge speakers to attend, are they?