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IceWeb 2006: Andy Clarke: ‘Feeding Your Creativity Without Compromising User Needs’


Request for help setting up a newsfeed for a manually-updated page


Ben Sandofsky of Halide: Homophobe and blackmailer


It was particularly risible to read that Apple’s surveillance mechanisms might be reused by some kind of authoritarian or repressive régime. Apple already is one of those. Its authoritarianism merely pleases the political biases of the far-left Apple press


Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire


Stringy, scrawny, emaciated; every one of them halfway to an eating disorder; self-abnegating “fitness” obsession produces bodies they can do nothing with that they actually enjoy; harridans and drill-sergeants manqué(e)s who couldn’t squat one plate for five reps; anti-racism is always more important than getting you stronger


T777 and not-T777 (“but gee whiz his life sure is wacky”)


The founder and host of the YouTube livestreams known as the Gaytriarchy, Sam, died; I have archived most of his audio [updated]

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None. I quit.

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