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Some advice for CBC about captioning and description of downloadable video


In which I am quoted in the Wall Street Journal (and paraphrased inaccurately)


Three old books on the topic of words on buildings: Lettering in Architecture, Words & Buildings: The Art and Practice of Public Lettering, and the real gem, Lettering on Buildings


Why, exactly, I give a shit about CBC captioning (something given a more colourful name by the Tea Makers)


Now I’m publishing all my documentation of CBC captioning errors and omissions


Like captioning, audio description is a field where numbers don’t tell you anything of much use


Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc. asked for changes to requirements for captioning quality, among other things. What were the responses?


Splorpist photo: Counting Lycra with DOS


I use Kinja and I’m not afraid to admit it. There are, however, a few problems

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