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Pride Toronto sponsors a real march for everybody, but also sponsors Dyke and Trans Marches. And they hire male and female co-chairs. This has got to stop, and I provide legal and ethical reasons why


Misty Harris wrote the worst article about words of the year. And the worst sin in this worst article? Guidette says it all


(UPDATED) Gay cruising app Grindr has is guilty of serious privacy breaches according to Wall Street Journal testing. The technical ignoramus who runs the company denies that’s a problem. This will not end well


At the second Hacks & Hackers event, only two of the demos were journalistic. And why are we still doing demos?


Esteemed television commentator Bill Brioux calls the only interesting Canadian series, Being Erica, a muddled ratings failure


Full truth: The Onion News Network’s Future: News from the Year 2137 still has no fucking captions


Microsoft beats Apple in typography. This abomination cannot stand. Here, then, some ways to fix the problem


Typing on the iPad? A lot of people need to type. Aren’t you crippled? Well, who cares? We’ve got you covered


It’s great that Al Gore noticed a ranging-figure 1 was hard to read. It’s hard to read because of the fake bullshit rule that acronyms have to be typeset in small caps. (Now with update you won’t bother to read)

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