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Elizabeth Spiers makes another mistake


What’s the American word of the year? Birther. What’s the word of the year, period? Birther. And here’s why


What Anderson Cooper gets with his boyfriend Ben Maisani: A whole greater than the sum of its parts


Ignite Toronto is making the same mistakes in its second outing it did in its first. Also: Why can’t computers read the Goof sign?


We need to turn our backs on sneering, imperious, dismissive Joshua Errett of Now


The Language of Things by Deyan Sudjic is all about flow. This is not a criticism


Today my article, long in gestation, appears at A List Apart: “Unwebbable” examines how not every document can be folded and mutilated into a “Web page.”


Toronto’s de facto chronicler of sporno pitches a near-miss about “mixed martial arts”


Society for Environmental Graphic Design hires Pentagram to unfuck its site

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