Archive for the year 2008


At the fireman competition, you won’t hear a single assibilated S. Isn’t it great?

Fireman in red suit and air tank looks down the length of a red race course
Black-and-white checkerboard pattern on a red textured floor, with orange-and-green hose laid on top
Green hose with orange lettering lies on bright-red mesh flooring
Yellow mesh flooring, yellow hoses labelled HI-COMBAT in green, my shadow as I take the picture
Angled pads in red and yellow and yellow and red sit at the end of individual red and yellow race courses
Male mannequins in full turnout gear lay, one each, on red tiles and yellow tiles
Backside of fairground attraction shows solid cutout letters MARDI GRA propped up at the top
Shopping cart holding bottled water sits in front of completely empty supermarket freezers

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None. I quit.

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