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The activist group Antifa Canada refused to rule violence out even when explicitly asked to do so. Also: Isn’t it possible that white supremacy and left-wing activists’ violence both are problems to be solved?


U.S. Department of the Treasury data show that gay marriage in the U.S. is a great perq to have if you’re doing well already


Scabrous homosexualist discussion forum DataLounge tells the truth about transgenderists and their apologists. Oh, fank you!


Here, Mister James Is Alive (from Wales) effortlessly hoists his bf unit


Something resembling a citation to my assertion that Camille Paglia said Madonna “thinks with her body”


Pro-whites and/or conservatives: “Faggots”; “fruits”; “You’re all still fags.” I’d still preferred to be stabbed in the front


“Matt, fuck off”


Pronunciations are converging on [ˌænˈtiːfʌ]


Thank Goddess that Canada had a right-wing-extremist mass murder of Muslims so that progressives’ and academics’ decades-long insistence of the danger of right-wing extremists could finally be vindicated. And! Announcing Right-Wing Assholes in Canada: A research project

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