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Fuck-Yeah Tumblères really are the happiest blogs on the Web, verily unto Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman


Dan Rhatigan identifies the indie-style-mag style


Mike Albo: ‘I am trying to feel things in my body, which is hard to do. When someone says something like “Where do you feel that?” or “What does that feel like?” I have a really hard time answering’


Fer77 in Spain manages to make bears look fantastical


No one is going to write a Kathy Acker–manquée biography of Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite


Too hot for Frank! Or so I like to tell myself


I can no longer achieve the goal exhorted by an old friend – to become microwave-cooking editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine


The creators of Suck.com were in fine form on a podcast


Nine boxes of type ephemera, representing a lifetime’s collection, are now in the hands of Splorp. Take that, Mormon Typophile homophobes

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None. I quit.

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