Author archive


(2016.03.03; posted 2017.06.27)


(2016.03.02; posted 2017.06.27)


Scaachi Koul: Despite being an obvious liability and a source of lethal gamma rays to all in her orbit, eternal flowers shall bloom from what should be her career graveyard. For she is the right kind of people


Designeuse Karen Schriver had a Ph.D., but couldn’t talk a bunch of lawyers out of their objections to her government design project


The Art of Manliness’ Brett McKay: “During a single weekend I shot pistols, did land navigation, butchered a rabbit and a chicken, and was taught how to fight by Tim Kennedy. It was awesome.” I think not


What happens when you ask what used to be Toronto’s gay community centre a few questions? You get labelled transphobic


If you want to keep track on what right-wing assholes are doing, you ignore podcasts at your peril. Then again, progressive journalists find the whole thing too triggering


Daddyhunt publishes a “Web serial” starring an eldergay and a breeder. But what happens after this fantasy daddy/son relationship matures a few years?


Is The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq about kidnapping, literature, bodybuilding, boxing, fighting, or hero worship?

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None. I quit.

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