Author archive
- Better than LOLcats (2015.05.19)
I cried tears of laughter reading Emergency Fox and Emergency Raccoon
- Everything eldergays’ lives could not be (2015.05.17)
Eldergays, unlike athletes, cannot live a life of the body
- Best blurb ever (2015.05.12)
Jeff Mann’s Cub has the best blurb ever
- 田亀源五郎 (2015.05.12)
Gengoroh Tagame (and compère Anne Ishii) were terribly charming at Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2015
- Walt Odets: HIV-negative men exist (2015.04.11)
For psychologist Walt Odets, gay men have to be given a reason to avoid HIV. That means living a life worth living
- Hell freezes over (2015.03.30)
I did paid work for the TTC on signage
- Names of Apple designers (2015.03.18)
From numerous sources, names of many of Apple’s allegedly-19-strong team of designers
- Russell Smith changes his mind, apparently (2015.03.14)
A mere 18 years later, Russell Smith changes his mind about Bruce LaBruce
- Hungarian banknotes (2015.03.06)
Barbara Bernát’s banknote redesign