Author archive


Presented in a manner you can actually understand and use: The New York City MTA Graphic Standards Manual (1970)


Oscar Pistorius in court, by Antoine de Ras, who offers superexclusive details on how he got the shot


At Etsy, as elsewhere in Silicon Valley, computer programming is identified as a desirable male-dominated job half of whose positions must simply be handed to women


Árpád Miklós needed a hug


John August’s Courier Prime typeface gets its problems exactly backward


Spencer Cox memorial service


“Toronto,” words of the year, “sk(c)optical” (all sic)


Ryerson architecture prof George Kapelos failed to teach his students that woonerfs are lethally dangerous to blind people


Eye 83, filled to the brim with features on designers you’ve read about for decades and other designers so successful they don’t need clients anymore

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