Archive for category: Accessibility


I saw Brüno with audio description and you didn’t


I wrote the audio-description script for Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story. And here it is!


A bit more error correction for Textfiles


Every six months, somebody writes a new story about captioning that gets a dozen facts wrong


Google has some great new ideas for online captioning formats! The quality will surely be at least as good as YouTube’s!


Or so I suspect.

The Ontario Realty Corp., which, despite its grand name, manages only provincial-government buildings, sent out a questionnaire recently about accessible signage in buildings. Apparently they’re trying to research some kind of standard for same.

My suspicions were immediately raised by the fact that the whole process was being done in secret. It seems obvious to me that only incumbent organizations like the CNIB were being canvassed. CNIB wouldn’t be the only one, of course, but they would be the organization viewed with the most credibility on issues of blindness – about which they have exactly none when it comes to accessibility of signage. The entire “Ckear Print” fiasco barely scratches the surface of it; I have an entire folder of documentation on how the CNIB and GO Transit bungled GO’s new signage standard, for example.

So here’s what I think is going to happen: These incumbent organizations will pretend there isn’t enough research on the topic, ignore the findings of whatever research they did manage to dig up, and issue counterfactual and baseless advice for this upcoming “standard.” By coïncidence, the advice will be to use whatever fonts come free with Windows NT – and only fonts that appear high up in an alphabetized Font menu. That means Arial.

There’ll be lots of Braille, too, despite the fact that Braille-and-raised-letter wall signage is completely useless to blind and low-vision people. (Blind people don’t know the sign exists; low-vision people can barely spot the smudge on the wall. Braille-and-raised wall signage exists to make sighted people, who can walk right over to it and rub their fingers across it, feel good about doing something for blind people.) (more…)


A fair bit of swearing in the audio description of Wanted. Listen for yourself!


Apparently I am not “international” enough to write the PDF/UA text module. Who knew I was actually an American imperialist all along?


Three-quarters of deaf people don’t have caption decoders? What?

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