Archive for category: Design

Design other than graphic design


The Times lies to us (again), this time about the true origin of the Oxo “grip”


The hard-to-find photo of Jonny Ive and all his designers (a mere 16 of them)


The so-called Emerging Designer Competition will allow the Royal Bank to do whatever it wants with entrants’ work


The Pontiac Sunfire, with the worst automotive front end since the Edsel, versus the Holden Commodore (Pontiac G8)


Extremely supergay Moncole podcast host takes supergay stab at pronouncing “Dundas,” fails


The amazing dazzle camouflage of the Polish bobsleigh team


A designer tells a client why his designs say what the client means. Young designers need Monteiro’s Design Is a Job to learn how to do that. Design Is a Job needed an editor


Only 3% of Ford buyers choose “trend colours” like ochre or pink


Hana Zalzal redesigned makeup from the particles on upward, then fixed the packaging

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