Archive for category: Events


Scott Thompson as Buddy Cole – in 2023. As I point out every five minutes, once our generation and the generation right behind ours finally dies, gay will be over


I gave a presentation on TTC typography to a group of aging computer scientists and mathematical typesetters. Then I toured them through the subway. And they loved me


An incongruously dressed John Waters equally incongruously delivered the commencement address for the Rhode Island School of Design’s graduating class of 2015. I helpfully transcribed it


Gengoroh Tagame (and compère Anne Ishii) were terribly charming at Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2015


Stood up by Spiekermann


The “intergenerational” gay and lesbian discussion group Rainbow Bridges was something I did not expect


I was the sole hack in the room for the Guide Dog Users of Canada annual conference


Mr. CHRISTIAN SCHWARTZ visited Toronto


Which Björn Borg is faker?

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None. I quit.

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