Archive for category: Events


Late afternoon, G20 protest outside “detention centre,” Pape north of Eastern


Graduating graphic-design students at the Ontario College of Art (“& Design”) Escaped from Flatland


Do you and your girlfriends seriously think this correspondent was “leering” at you at the last boozeup?


What happened at Ink Canada’s Band Practice


Michael Bierut again wows ’em hosting the “Command X” game show. Also! Closeted gay designers and porn. Yes


Ignite Toronto is making the same mistakes in its second outing it did in its first. Also: Why can’t computers read the Goof sign?


Touring the tower at the fire academy with the last ginger fireman


Mike Rundle seems to think I’ve got something against him. Well, I didn’t used to


I visited the bobsleigh recruitment camp, despite being so weak I can barely push a shopping cart

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