Archive for category: Follow-ups

Follow-ups from previouse posts


Just how many contemporary novels even deign to admit that email, TV, and bathrooms exist?


Butt Boy is Nº 1


Europa Invicta are the only non-progressives or anti-progressives with a consistent graphic identity


The founder and host of the YouTube livestreams known as the Gaytriarchy, Sam, died; I have archived most of his audio [updated]


Climax, Joan of Arc, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, Border, Amazing Grace, Hail Satan?, Pain and Glory, The Golden Glove, The Souvenir, Joker


Someday you’re gonna die. Imagine having spent your life reading literature and novels


Consensus gay culture is an actual monoculture that actually steamrolls over national, local, and personal ethnies, languages, cultures, and specificities


I measured actual point sizes of type on an iPhone X


Re-posting a photo by Bullneck

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None. I quit.

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