Archive for category: Follow-ups

Follow-ups from previouse posts


I had an idea for a gay technology conference. Then I realized it would have to happen anywhere but here


Craig Morgan Teicher remains a technical ignoramus. Hey, did you hear that poetry is hard to typeset in E-books?


Grindr manifestly is not used for “friends,” to “fall in love,” or to “have a sexual relationship,” despite the disingenuousness of Joel Simkhai


Why isn’t Windows Phone 7 accessible to blind people? Ask Microsoft. Somebody did, and here was the answer: “We were incompetent on this”


Joe Jervis writes a blog that attracts comments calling for violence


Tara Ariano finally got her green card. Was she ever Canadian?


Autobiographical details Gary Shteyngart wove into his zippy, juicy profile of M.I.A.


<br class="joe_clark_i_wont_validate">


Karen Walton keeps bombarding me with invitations to Ink Canada events, yet her girlfriends accuse me of ogling them. Why does this not compute?

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None. I quit.

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