Archive for category: General


Taki, Steve Sailer, and the always troublesome Jack Donovan have some fun, juicy morsels, only one of which is outright ad hominem pejoration


Film critic Armond White’s Wikipedia entry reads more like a Zagat entry


Because emoji, like the Tamara Hope Palm Pre commercials, remind male nerds that the computer doesn’t know you’re a girl, or not one


Facebook et al. “have an interface that they have developed for U.S. intelligence to use.” Citation needed


Berg London is building a mystique with its “weeknotes” postings. It’s all about the studio


Mike Kelley: ‘I don’t think it has any meaning except in terms of power structures. I’ve always said that I prefer the terms “allowable” and “non-allowable” instead of “high” or “low” ’


Bullish, on-message technology podcasts that treat people like the latest gadget defeat the purpose of inviting peole onto the show in the first place. Tech podcasts are a mutual admiration society I consider harmful


Call-centre operators, according to Erik Granered


Will Ferguson: “Canadians are great at spoof; it’s what we specialize in, doing an affectionate, fake version of something familiar… There seemed to be confusion, among the reviewing class, who really should know better, a confusion between satire and spoof”

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